Practicing and Expressing Gratitude — Led AbdulAziz Syed LCSW CSAT

Event Notes

Word Association


  • Thanks/ Appreciation 

  • Religion/Islam

  • Alhamdolillah 

  • Family and Friends 

We have a conception of gratitude – 

Q: What do you think gratitude means?

A: Being aware of what we have, bringing attention to the things that make you happy, giving back

Thought experiment #1

Write down and reflect on the things we’ve done for other people that they didn’t acknowledge.

Student Answers:

  • Making time for people during busy schedules 

  • Cleaning 

  • Advocating for someone without them knowing/ asking 

We feel as Muslims that we shouldn’t recount our good deeds but we should because it allows us to now notice the things others do for us 

Thought experiment #2 

Write down things we didn’t notice that people may have done for us

Student Answers: 

  • Dining halls have food prepared ready for us but someone was there to prepare that for us

  • Parents picking us up from school

  • Someone brought slippers to do wudu

  • Random texts from people you haven’t talked to in a while asking how you are 

  • Friends driving us places 

  • Friends listen to us rant/vent 

What’s coming up inside of us (thoughts feelings and emotions) as we reflect 

  • Regret we haven’t expressed thankfulness for them

  • Stronger sense of support system 

  • Recognizing how deep our connections run 

    • Knowing that they care enough to spend time with you: makes it extra special 

  • Unearthing things we didn’t think about with more intentionality and feel hopeful for recognizing them sooner 

  • Highlight how much we take for granted

Final exercise 

What has Allah done for us that we have not realized/asked for (that have shaped us to who we are now —good or bad):

  • Rejections from internships/ schools 

  • Bad grades - force me to do better find better studying techniques 

  • Friends I made/people I met whether good or bad; Being around a diverse group of people

  • my health: wake up healthy and we only notice this when we don’t have that

Harvard study - gratitude is linked to success and happiness 

The Prophet (PBUH) said: When a servant says: Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the universe, Allah the Most High says: My servant has praised Me. 

(Sahih Muslim Book 4, Hadith 41)

  • When you say Alhamdulillah, say it with intention and 

These exercises allow us to .. make us feel cared for/ held and you feel part of a bigger system even if you feel like you didn’t deserve it 

  • our relationship feels transactional 


Ummah Talk 10/17/22: Traversing Through Life In Times of Crisis