Coping with Trauma: Palestine and Beyond Ummah Talk - Dr. Fahad Khan
Event Notes:
Trauma definitionally usually results from an event or series of events that physically or emotionally harm someone
Affects a person’s functioning - physically, emotionally, and spiritually
Trauma is subjective, affects people differently
We often times don't recognize how many types of trauma exist and because they are subjective, they affect people at different levels
Types of Trauma
Complex Trauma
Results from multiple overwhelmingly traumatic events which are compromising and most often happen within the context of interpersonal relationships (like family violence)
Any tiny thing that can remind someone of their trauma (such as seeing what’s happening to the people of Palestine) can trigger their trauma
It’s not a logical or rational response, rather its the more mammalian aspects of our brain taking over in those situations, therefore trying to rationalize with the person when they are triggered isn't necessarily going to help
Historical/Intergenerational Trauma
Colonization/genocide/forcible removal
PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)
Symptoms can be: intrusive thoughts and memories, avoidance, negative changes in thinking or mood, changes in emotional reactions, depersonalization
Thoughts intrude and come out of nowhere, unable to quell those thoughts
Things that remind the person of their trauma can cause them to pass out
Depersonalization - unable to tell reality from hallucinations or delusions
Like trauma, important to emphasize that it is once again very subjective
A person’s response to Trauma will differ, but roughly less than 20% of people will encounter PTSD and less than 20% will encounter PTG
PTG (Posttraumatic Growth)
Positive response to the trauma and become better than they were before the trauma
How can we benefit from trauma?
Surah Hujarat: “Allah has tested those whom he loves”; Allah SWT tested us for a reason so that we could become better as a result of that test
Spirituality, Optimism, Genetics, Gender, and Age are all factors when it comes to what plays into someone undergoing PTG
Check out Science of the Cosmos: Science of the Soul by William Chittick!
When we go through trials and tribulations..
We recognize the greatness of Allah’s lordship and his all-encompassing power
We recognize the humility and dejectedness of servitude, we say “Inna Lillahi Wa Inna Ilayhi raaji'oon” - English: “Verily we Belong to Allah and Verily to Him do We Return”(Surah Baqarah ayat 156)
What do we do in regards to what’s happening in Palestine and the rest of the world
Increase our self-awareness
Introspection, journaling, counseling, deep reflection while we are alone
Emotional Wellness
Relaxation, self-care, Sabr App
Physical and mental well-being
Take care of our physical health and diet
Work/Life Balance
Have a Daily Routine
Don’t expose yourself or others to trauma(!)
If you can handle it then it's okay but don’t forward the suffering of other people to others because then you may trigger other people or expose them when they may not be able to handle it
Pray for ourselves and others
Understand the nature of this world for us
“The dunya is a prison for the believer”
Don’t be afraid to seek help!!!
No harm in seeing someone or getting counseling
Stay resilient even when you think you’re okay
How to Get Through Triggers
First figure out what the trauma is that causes the trigger (any sort of emotional reaction)
Sit with a clinician to help identify where the trauma stems from
There IS treatment for trauma!!
Very effective once you go through that process in a clinical setting
Clinician helps guide you through your trauma in a safe clinical setting
How to deal with Depersonalization
Recognize that short-term solutions (smoking, medicine, breathing exercises) will not help get rid of it and make it permanently go away
Similarly to triggers, trace back (preferably with a clinician) the trauma to where it stems from
Treat finding the right clinician like dating, may have to go through multiple individuals but keep to it and inshallah you will find one who clicks with you
How to stay mentally grounded when it comes to the stress of school and Palestine
There is an optimal amount of stress that we need to maximize our performance
However, as stress increases past out optimal point, we move closer and closer to a burnout
This is where self-awareness comes into play, we have to learn to recognize our capabilities and say no to some things and yes to others.
Most people aren't very self-aware beings unless we have physical cues (headaches, pains)
We still have to work towards becoming more self-aware though otherwise we won't be able to recognize our capabilities.